January 30, 2006

What does life mean?

lI teach high school special education. Today, in health class, I asked my class to tell me what is the meaning of life. This is a hard question, one that has flummoxed wiser people than me for generations. Here are some thoughts that my kids shared in their papers today.

Some of Your Ideas About the Meaning of Life.

“…I’m afraid of dying young and I also like to make my parents happy.”

“I will not regret my life at all. I need to know myself. Who am I?”

“The purpose of life? The question confuses me.”

“Most people hate life. I don’t; I love life. I think everyone should live life to the fullest every day.”

“The meaning of life is going to school and having fun…”

“I want to live my parents’ dream, to be someone in life.”

“…you never know what can happen, you might end up dead and in a ditch.”

“The purpose of my life is for others. I’m afraid to die. I wish I can be young forever.”

“I see no meaning in life or living because I regret my life… All I do is deal with it.”

“I think the purpose [of life] is to help people that need help or to talk to… a lot of people tell me I am an angel because I am there for someone when they need someone…”

“…to go to heaven.”

There seem to be a few nascent philosophers in the class!


Anonymous said...

Reading this makes me think we've been overthinking the whole question for thousands of years. Simplicity seems to be the best answer.

Although the banner I had on one of my old site designs did boldly proclaim that my purpose in life was to carry caffeine from one place to another.


The Dancing Fool said...

But I resonated with your idea of tranport of caffeine! Go JB GIRL! :-)

The kids were pretty amazing with this one. There is much to consider in their thoughts.