January 07, 2004

Checking in on resolutions...

7 January 2004

Update on Resolves…

Music: This is the area of greatest progress. I’ve made contact with the Musician’s Union. Lots of benefits for joining. Seems I goin’ legit! I’ve made a contact with Matthew, a friend that just released his CD. He has some piano gigs lined up at a few of the local watering holes. I’ll play bass with him. Standards and ballads. This rock’n’roller is really going legit! Hey a gig’s a gig!

Budget: I’ve released funds to pay bills… waiting for the check. I also got to the bottom of the snafu with my bennies… they’ll start paying this week. Money at last! I also leaned that I can apply for and qualify for beaucoup financial aid with school. I’ll be doing that paperwork tonight and in the morning.

Spiritual: No progress, no efforts yet.

Back to my volunteer gig. I am also going to Camarillo on Thursday, tomorrow, to sign up for the sub list. The school where I am working likes me… there is a good chance for work with them.

No poetry or pretense today… just checking in.