November 30, 2004

Another $&% Virus!

No introspection today... Maybe later.

PLEASE - If you get an email with the subject "URGENT NOTIFICATION FROM THE BILLING DEPARTMENT" Scan that sucker with your anti-virus. DO NOT OPEN IT. I got zapped by the Phisbank.BV trojan virus. Please, there are some sick people out there that didn't get enough love or attention during their formative years. They use their talents to mess up your compu and mine. While my heart goes out to their hurting humanity, my anger burns against their malice (Hey, I'm Mexican and Peruvian, with a bit of Irish thrown in the mix... How do you spell pugnacious? P - A - B - L - O).

Here is a link that the folks at Microsoft provided me to clean most viruses. The downside is that you need to be On-Line (my compu was not working well as her memory was all tied up with the virus) to access it. Download the the program to clean your disk and run the program. Click on the options "AUTO DELETE" and indicate which drives you want to have scanned. The guy at Microsoft recommended that you click "My Computer."

You may want to go to your favorite antivirus program and update the definitions.

Here is a link regarding hoax emails and how to address them.

More introspection, kvetching, theology and general musings later. Thanks for reading.
- tDF

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