August 01, 2004

An Extraordinary Day...

It was was one of those days that you remember... I was on and got an IM from my cousin CPF, who lives in Mexico. We have an interesting relationship, CPF and I. We can go years not seeing each other and then meet and it is as if no time had passed at all. Of all my relations - not including my children - CPF is my favorite. She and I have a close relationship. She was covering a marathon inVeracruz and was sad not to be running but was chatty and we made a date to chat on Monday.

I had a nice dinner with MM and then we spent several hours languidly making love with an intensity of emotion that the gods envy. She is a passionate and tenderhearted woman. I do love her with all that I am. Great sex and great love, what more could a man ask? This is a woman that inspires me to be what she sees in me.

My friend DG is coming up from Torrance later today - Sunday - and we will catch up with our friendship. My daughter A is coming on Monday and I am recording on Wednesday.

I came home and realized that life is good... very good indeed.

I am, indeed, a fortunate man...

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