What are some other ways that we - you and I - can cut down our oil dependency?
- Use less heat
- Use public transportation
- Engage in recreation that does not require fossil fuels for our fun
- Cut down on the electricity that I/we use
- Not buy as much plastic unless it is being recycled
- Purchase fewer clothes made of synthetic fibers that are oil based
The list could go on and on. I look at the faces of the children that are no longer alive, over 125 of our soldiers died in Fallujah last month, I have no idea how many Iraqis died. All so we can use more oil. Is it worth it? I think not. I am changing my habits to reflect that conviction.
So we won the war... winning the peace may be bloodier still.
Did we ever find the weapons of mass destruction that we went there to ferret out?
Ah, but I am only a fool.