Really Simple Syndication
I have set up two systems on my blog for a direct feed. At first this strikes me as being the nadir of hubris: who would want to have my blog delivered to their c

You would think I would learn how to smile when I have my picture taken... Oh well. Not in this image, I fear. I guess that the great joy of having a blog is to indulge in some harmless hubris. I can play with toys that, used properly, could be powerful tools. I can manipulate a technology that I could not even imagine when I was a kid back in the late '60's and into the '70's. Hard for me to believe that I am that old. I have kids in my classes that were born in 1990 and later. I am a child born in the fifties, and came of age in the mid-seventies. I have a faint recollection of a super-computer that predicted Johnson's election against Barry Goldwater. The computer that landed the Apollo on the moon was much less powerful than the calculators that we use in class.
You can now double click any word in the text of tDF and be taken to a link that will define that word. Now you can see just how poorly I employ the richness of the English language. You can click on words and see if I have misused them. Really, this is born of a love of the language. I can browse through dictionaries for hours happily. I love to play with language and occasionally can do so with some skill. I do try to reward my readers with some clever double entendre or allusion on occasion. When in doubt, quote Greek.
Same Time Last Year
I have taken to pasting links on the title of my postings to last year's posts. This is a personal history for me. It is a chance to see what I was about then. It is a way to take stock. It is a source of perverse satisfaction for you, Gentle Reader, in knowing that no matter how messed up you are that I am even more fucked up that you! An encouraging thought, that!
Coming up on 200 posts. How shall we commemorate this occasion? My geotracking has indicated that this little blog has been read at least once in every continent of the planet. That is a freaky thought for me. I have come to realize that I have a community that is now world-wide. No, I am not in touch with all of the nearly 5000 people that have accessed this blog in the past year, but I am amazed that so many of you have happened by. I hope that some of you choose to return and share in my life, my laughter, my searching for love.
Live, Laugh, Love...
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