I visited Cleolov’s blog… Worth reading, I recommend it. I had come across the ‘blog on Blogexplosion while browsing there a couple of nights ago. This is a person that I doubt I would ever have met except for the internet. Why do I mention this? Because we have contact with more people than ever before. It expands the circle of friends that can be had and forces us to redefine friendship and community in terms of communication rather than proximity and physical contact. It seems to me to open the possibility for relationships of the mind and spirit rather in a qualitatively different manner than before. Apparently this is an interesting person: I came across a link for www.creativegenius.org, a site that she maintains. I do not lay claim to being either creative or a genius. I did find her list of questions compelling and decided to accept them as a challenge. Here are the questions and my responses, fool that I am…
Do you struggle with understanding why everyone else just doesn't "get it?" Oh God yes! There are times that I feel that I am the one with a challenge. I see though my intuition and don’t understand why the rest of the world seems to miss what is perfectly obvious.
Are you an emotionally intense person? One could say that…
Are you an artist, a geek, or an intellectual? One could say that as well. I tend to shy away from the term “intellectual” though. I tend to see myself as a person who lives a rich life of thought and imagination. Does that qualify me as an intellectual? I really don’t know. To lay claim to that title seems to be presumptuous.
Do you live in another world than most people on the planet? I live in a world of the mind and spirit, I visit the material world frequently but do not consider that I am more than a resident alien.
Does your thinking take huge leaps and bounds that no one else can keep up with? I can be all over the map at times. Doesn’t everybody think in three or four languages and have a constantly developing interface of poetry, philosophy, music, and art running through their minds? That is normal, isn’t it?
Do you have unique abilities? Like leaping tall buildings in a single bound… no. I have friends that say that I can see through walls despite my severe myopia.
Have you been diagnosed with clinical depression, manic depression, ADHD, or some other mental illness and traditional treatments do not seem to address the problems? DUH! Yeah, AH/HD, anxiety (as anybody who has read by blog knows).
Have you tested extremely high (98 percentile or above) on standardized IQ and/or EQ tests? I don’t believe in standardized tests… the are capable of measuring so little and make such a great deal out of nothing that is important. I did once get an IQ test that was at least two and one half standard deviations off the norm. You can guess in which direction, it really does not matter to me. What is really important is whether I can see beauty and imagine hope in the world. The rest is really not that important.
Do you feel like no one understands you? No one is quite exclusive. I tend toward people with strong intuition and an ability to understand what is not readily seen by those whose lives are defined by that is seen, felt, tasted, heard, and grasped.
Does your life seem to be ruled by the creativity and emotion that is so prevalent within you? YES.
Do you have a rich and exciting inner life that you have found difficult to share with others? I share with those I think will understand. For those that have eyes to see the world is a wonderful place full of color and ruled by the muses. For those that don’t I can chat about matters of consequence (extra points if you nail the reference) that they can easily understand. I know that sounded patronizing. It was not meant to. Try to take my words in the spirit in which they are offered.
Do you have an insatiable 'need to know' that no one understands? Knowing and understanding are two different things…
I don't know that I qualify as a creative genius. I have been told that I qualify as a pain in the ass. That should count for something... free thinkers seem always to rub against the grain.
But I am just a fool...