I am caught in the thrall of lesser mortals and petty suzarains. Almost a quarter century ago - that places my life into its perspective - I completed work for my bachelors degree. I went on to do other advanced work. There was a paperwork glitch that resulted in my degree not being awarded. This was not discovered until I applied for a position with VUSD, nearly twenty five years later. What happened was that a transcript from C college did not get to my undergrad instituation. How this happened is beyond me. Two units shy of graduation... what bullshit.
NOW... My attempt to clean up this mess has become the equivalent of a superfund project for the EPA. I may have to reapply to my undergrad instituation, complete my degree anew, and do whatever they want to have a BA dated 2004, when I completed work in 1980. Go figure. This is odd, considering that my MA is dated 1984!!!!
I've always done things bass-akwards, but DAMN.
Meanwhile, my payment for work done already for VUSD is being held as it is predicated - wait for it... - upon the completion of a BACHELOR'S DEGREE. My MA does not matter, even though they have that transcript and are aware that that is above and beyond the BA.
There has to be an easier way to get this done. I shudder to think that this may be the easiest way to do it.
But I am only a fool...