I took an online quiz... results below.
You speak eloquently and have seemingly read every book ever published. You are a fountain of endless (sometimes useless) knowledge, and never fail to impress at a party.
What people love: You can answer almost any question people ask, and have thus been nicknamed Jeeves.
What people hate: You constantly correct their grammar and insult their paperbacks.
What Kind of Elitist Are You?
Brought to you by Quizilla
Turns out to be pretty accurate, with the exception of my correcting grammar and insulting paperbacks (most of my books are paperbacks!) I wonder why I did not become a foodie or musical snob.
The last couple of days have been spent with R and A. R is confused about her relationship with G. She says that she loves him but will not move back east for him. He says that he wants to spent the rest of his life with her. She is not certain. I told her that she should not uproot her life just for this relationship. It is somewhat fragile and I fear that she could find herself in a new city with no one to care for her. That is not intended to be patronizing: she is only 18 and while she has the all of the legal rights and responsibilities of an adult, she has only the experience of a child to guide her.
She did not do as well in school as had been hoped. I am concerned about this. She is brilliant. She did not perform up to her potential. Too much alcohol and grass? No, I think not. She is able to manage herself and to be very disciplined when she needs to be. She could not really give a good reason, other than to say that she wanted to take a year off. I recall offering to subsidize a year of sloth last year. She turned the offer down. Now she wants to be a flight attendent for a year. I reminded her that her aunt had applied -and was rejected- for one of those positions with a major carrier. They are very competative. R is very callow in many ways. She presents as having an old soul; I sometimes forget that she is only 18.
I cancelled my last recording session. I have a problem with my right ear: it is filled with fluid and I cannot hear. Not good for a musician!
A is beautiful. She is here for two weeks. I love my younger daughter. She is very different than her older sister. It constantly amazes me how they could have come from the same gene pool. MM came to visit yesterday. A had to have some sort of nibblie to meet MM. She went to the quickie mart and purchased a chocolate bar for her. This is very A. R would have been there to greet and to chat, being a loquacious sort; A likes to have something to express herself.
MM just called... off to have breakfast with her and her son.