I’ve enjoyed the past several days immensely. Perhaps that is why I have had so little to say. MM accompanied A and me to Santa Barbara’s Fiesta Days. We had fun. I heard lots of good music, ate good food, and spent time with people that I truly love. How much better can it get?
My major project today was to launch my White Sage webpage. This is intended to be, along with www.pabloplasencia.com, a marketing point for my music. I’ve included a Pay Pal link along with an offer for a special price on an early release of the CD. I am thinking of doing some special event for the people that do the early release, maybe invite them to the release party and have the band play some of the tunes live.
There is so much more that I have to do on the webpage… not to mention complete the recording process. I have to admit that I’ve learned a lot of code today. Not bad for a first attempt at something new, I’d say.
Take a few moments to visit www.white-sage.net to see what all of the hub-bub is about! I believe in my music and have even included a couple of links to works in progress. These are my closet tapes, I suppose.
Not much more to say today…
- tdf