Frank Zappa EVERYTHING ZAPPA is found on this well produced and very zappaesque site. Read about Dweezil and Lisa's break-up, get fun swag, hear Zappa's music and a couple of interviews. A well done page with high and low bandwidth options. Be aware that you can spend hours browsing this site. Zappa was a genius of the first water.
Gary Moore... This Irish Boyo has more soul in his little finger than most of us have in a lifetime. All I can say is that Gary studied at the feet of Kings... Albert and B.B. This page is worth visiting. Gary is not well known in the USA. That is too damn bad. Blues were born in the American South and came to maturity in New York, Nashville, and Chicago. Gary proves that this American form of art has become a legacy to the world.
Steely Dan Literate, sardonic, urbane, and damn fine musicians. Jazz, Rock, and Pop... Definitely worth the time to listen. SD uses some of the hottest studio cats out there.
Ray Brown This is not Ray Brown's webpage, but the profile that NPR did following Brown's death. This is the GOD of the double-bass. Jazz, Blues, Bebop... Ray did it all. Listen with reverence.
The MJQ... Third Stream, Modern Jazz, Chamber Jazz, Bach meets Bebop... The Modern Jazz Quartet did for over 40 years. John Lewis, Bags, Big P, and Connie Kay... DAMN. My first concert was with my family when I was in seventh grade. I heard Percy Heath laying down God-like bass and knew that I wanted to make that sound. Connie Kay gave me a set of drumsticks, too.
YoYo Ma I never heard the Bach unaccompanied cello suites until I heard Yoyo Ma play them. Enough said.
Jaco Pastorius - the God of the Electric Bass. Jaco as the epitome of the tortured artist that whose flame burnt too brightly to last. He died much too young as the result of cocaine addiction and bipolar disorder. Beaten to death by a fuckin' punk outside of a Florida bar, Jaco's music speaks eloquently of human longing, passion, and -dare I say- hope. A true virtuoso.
That is enough for now... I'll post others later.
Live, laugh, love... - tdf