12 January 2004
A couple of meandering thoughts occurred to me this morning as I transitioned out of my night-long embrace with Morpheus into the cold reality of morning: I slept past my alarm – nothing new in that – and dreamt that several hours had passed. When I awoke I was certain that at least two hours had passed when in reality – using that phrase advisedly – only twenty minutes or so had passed.
I considered this and realized that the mind, in dreams, is released from the constraints of time and space. Both are free to expand and contract without regard for the conventions of existence. The mind can drift into other realities – again, using that term advisedly – other moments with amazing plasticity. The chronological sequence is set aside as the mind goes where ever it will.
The conventions of “reality” are sometimes problematic for me. I have a very keen sense of intuition. There are times when I am certain that I can see and feel that which originates elsewhere (No Thorozine please… Haldol? Thank you, no…). It is like the ghost that is a shadow of parallel reality going about its business and casting a shadow unaware in this moment. Remember Schrödinger’s Cat?
Is the mind exercising a sort of game in dream-time when it sets aside the reality? The mind/soul cannot exist outside of the body. The mind is enfleshed by the body and it is of the same biological stuff of which the body is made that composes the mind. The perceptions of the mind originate in the physical reality and are sensed using the physical apparatus of the body. It would seem that the mind is a physical/biological construct, at least in this reality.
I don’t believe that the mind is imprisoned in the flesh. I don’t dislike the flesh, on the contrary, it can be lots of fun! I tend to think that the mind may have fewer boundaries than the body appears to impose. This flesh is the primary means of perception. But what dreams may come?
Ah, but I am only a fool…