In an interview with CNN, the movement's founder, Pat Robertson, described a conversation with Mr Bush shortly before the war in which Mr Robertson voiced his fears for American troops, and suggested it was time to prepare the country for loss.
"I warned him about this war. I had deep misgivings about this war, deep misgivings. And I was trying to say, 'Mr President, you had better prepare the American people for casualties,'" Mr Robertson said. He said Mr Bush had replied: "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."
This is not a leftist... This is none other than my buddy PAT ROBERTSON!
As if that is not enough to cause one's head to spin, members of the Bush family have created a webpage dedicated to the defeat of their cousin, President Bush. The webpage,, presents conservative arguments against the election of Mr. Bush.
John Kerry is not without flaws. At best, his 20-year record in the Senate has been lackluster and his early campaign was plagued by inconsistencies. But as the campaign has progressed, he has found his voice and his message. He will not abandon Iraq. He will bring the United States back into the community of nations and enlist their help in successfully ending the war. He will not shrink from the war on terrorism, but he will not lead us into reckless endeavors whose purpose is unclear and questionable.
John Kerry is the best choice to put America back on its proper course and once again take its place in the world as the shining city on the hill.
Perhaps it is the dawn of a new day?