January 20, 2005

Heil Bush

A thought from Doonesbury for the Inauguration:

RIP Democracy in the United States. God, where is FDR when we need him the most?


Anonymous said...

Bush must die, the people must prevail..


The Dancing Fool said...

I cannot understand why we elected this dangerous man into the highest office in the land. He is hell bent on cutting to nothing civil liberties and establishing a soft-authoritarian government in the place of our constitutional republic.

Having said that, I wish him no ill. It is not a case of hatred of the man, but of his policies.

It is wrong, in my estimation, to advocate for violence or political assasination. To say "Bush must die" is to become worse than the evil we behold.

Should he be impeached? Damn straight. Should he be tried as a criminal for his invasion of a sovereign country under the pretext of a lie? Again, damn straight. Should we raise an arm against him. Under no circumstances.

The people will prevail when they see the light and rise up against authoritarianism. Bush is only the most recent manifestation of this radical right that has expropriated the Republican party. Kill him, make him a martyr. Show him for the liar he is and trust that the truth will make us free. I much prefer that to becoming what I deplore: violence in the name of peace.