1. Employment: Locate a suitable job teaching special education – I am subbing on a regular basis. I’ve moved closer to my credential but have not yet found employment. I have to say that I need to become very assertive on this goal. So much hinges on being gainfully employed. When I think about taking the time that I have it seems like an outlandish luxury. But still, it is part of recovery.So that is my update. I will need to formulate resolves from this list for next year. I will also have to include some thoughts about relationship goals. I am thinking more in the lines of “taking care of MM and working to support her as I am best able,” or something to that extent as that goal. I will be omitting a couple of goals for next year (formal lessons and theory, debt free). I think that I can modify my financial goals to make them more realistic. Exercise needs to be in the list.
2. Music: Record my CD (vanity, vanity…) – It really isn’t vanity to fulfill a dream. This has proven much harder than I had imagined. It is in progress, but not near completion yet. It is coming.
3. Music: Formal studies! Theory and counterpoint? – I gave this a half-hearted attempt, but did not do well with the instructor that I was working with. I need to focus on this one later. Thinking about it now, I think that this needs to be deferred.
4. Music: Resume gigging in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Counties – I have worked on my webpage and have done the background work, but have made no concerted efforts to begin gigging. Other things were more pressing (recording my album).
5. Financial: Debt free and living on a budget (How bourgeois can it get!!!!) – OK, this is the big area of work. I think that it was unrealistic to say debt free and living on a budget whilst a student. I am closer to working with a budget out of pure necessity. I have some pretty hairy debts though.
6. Spiritual/Emotional: Spend disciplined time in meditation/prayer, find a community of faith – Nope. Did little on this one. I find that I am still uncertain about a community of faith. I tried to go with MM to her church, with some pretty chilling results. I find that I am thinking more about the life of the spirit, but do very little in this regard. Still, for me thinking is almost an act of devotion and reverence. It shouldn’t be underrated.
7. Spiritual/Emotional: Do works of charity and peace that cannot be paid back (all anonymous). – I have done this, almost without thinking. Of this I am proud. I have helped people that will never know that I have extended myself for their sakes. This is a good thing.
8. Physical Health: Eat well and exercise – Does eat too damn much qualify? How about lovemaking as exercise?
That’s it for now. Happy daze to you all!
- tDF
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