I like the rain. There is something of a pagan in me that sees a beauty in the sexual imagery of rain: the sky god makes love to the earth mother and we, their children, are born of that ecstatic union of the cosmos. Maybe it is the image of an orgasm as the fountain (a word chosen deliberately) of creation that appeals to me. Sex is such a powerful thing. There is something sacred about it. Two people come together (no pun intended there) and unite as one. If it is good sex, there are moments when the partners are so closely united as to be what the Jewish tradition calls "one flesh." There is something of a dualism there, as well. We are ecstatic in sexual union. The word ecstasy comes from two Greek words, εκ + ιστεμι, meaning to stand outside of one's self, or - more colloquially - to be beside one's self. The word, in Greek, had the meaning of having taken leave of one's senses, a sort of divine madness.
Is it any wonder, given the power of this union, that we call it making love?
May your life be full of such joy and divine madness.
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