I have always said that I am a very simple soul: the damndest things make me happy. My new toothbrush makes me happy. That sounds silly, I know. I replaced my toothbrush last night. My new one leaves my teeth smooth and clean, you know the feeling when you rub your tongue against the teeth and they feel smooth and polished. I really like that feeling. My other toothbrush had worn out. It was time. The new one makes me happy.
A beautiful chord played well... that makes me happy. There is something about a well chosen chord that emotes beyond words. I know that my music has been described by some as "quirky" because I resist simple resolutions of chords or choose to surprize the listener with a key change or by playing a note that is part of the chord rather than the root. I like that. It makes me happy.
My new blue jeans make me really happy. I love blue jeans; left to my own devices, I would live in blue jeans. I needed a new pair. I went shopping and found a nice pair that fit me well on sale for $20.00. That makes me really happy. After a few washings and when the obligatory break-in period is over, in a few months, they will be super comfortable. I like that. It makes me happy.
My webpage for music: I have gotten props for the work that I've done on it. It is a hand-made page, done without a template, using HTML. This is the first real project that I have taken on. I am happy with all of the good comments that I have heard. It is nice to hear that my work is appreciated. That makes me happy.
My computer is working again. That makes me super happy. I like my 'blog. I like my webpage. I like to cruise the net. Not to mention all of the other stuff that I do with my computer. When it was down, so was I. It is now working and I feel good that I was able to make it happen. That makes me happy.
The chart on this blog that indicates the phase of the moon. When I looked outside and saw the moon as it was here, I was happy. It seemed to say that there is a beauty and order in the cosmos, however idiosyncratic or quirky it may seem. And I am happy indeed.
I am a simple soul: the damndest things make me happy.
Ah, but I am only a fool...
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