It seems strange to celebrate my 47th birthday during finals week. Really, I feel a bit old for this silliness. Truth is that most of the classes that I’ve taken to get my credential have been little more than bullshit. This is disappointing to me. When I was working on my last advanced degree the work was worthwhile. There was content. Really, who can expect independent thinking with true-false and multiple guess. It is all bullshit. Oh well, that is probably why I really don’t give a damn about finals. I will jump through the hoops with minimal complaints and will do what is necessary to move on and to get my credential. Done and double-done.
I spent a good deal of the weekend with MM. I find that I really hate to be away from her. She fills my thoughts and every time I feel that I should act my age, I find myself feeling like a giddy school-boy who becomes tongue-tied at the sight of his crush. That is a good thing, I suppose.
I did something kind of selfish: I purchased a (used) Fender Stratocaster for my birthday. It is beautiful and I am not playing it nearly as well as it wants. The design is elegant, now fifty years old. It is a beautiful instrument, blond with a clear finish.
I should go back to drafting mock-lesson plans and all that rot. Really, I just want to play my music and see MM. I want to make love to her and learn to trust in love again. Now that is a loaded sentence… but, dear friends, that is another posting for another day!
Alas, the dancing fool is lovesick and loving it…
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